Young People's Voices

Read articles written by young people about the environmental issues that matter to them.  Our contributors are our Young Trustees and other young people who have something important to say about our world and its future.

How to Submit an Article?

If you've written an essay on an environmental topic, or you've made a video about an environmental issue that you'd like to share with other young people, Young People's Voices is the place for you!
Send us your essay or video
Use the 'Submit Your Article' button (below left) to send us an email. You can include your essay in the email text. If you are wanting to send us a video, let us know in your email and we'll send you some instructions for doing this.
We'll review what you've sent us
We'll take a look at what you've sent us and check that it's suitable.
We'll let you know
We'll send you an email to let you know whether we would like to use your content or not. If we do, then with your permission, it will go live on the site!

Explore Other Resources


Find out more about loads of animal species and the big environmental issues that really matter.


Find out about all of our current projects like Better Planet Schools and a few of our past projects too.


If you want to find out more about some of the big environmental stories that have been making the news, our blog is the place for you.

Our Supporters